Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Hello from Coach Le Anne--
Are you a Sponsor Asswhole??? Or Are you a Friendly Team Player???

A sponsor asswhole is someone who is rude and doesn't have time to mastermind, brainstorm and build synergy and momentum with You! When you call them... they don't listen to a word you say! They think "they" are the mentor and you are the idiot... They don't have time to make a good laugh with you as they are TOO BUSY! Too busy being a miserable Asswhole... Too busy trying to chase another sale because they already got "Your Money" and don't believe in You and what you bring to the table!

Have you ever felt that kind of attitude from A SPONSOR???

Well I have and QUITE FRANKLY I am and have always been a top producer and have always brought synergy and value to the team! But sponsor asswhole doesn't take the time to ever find that out...They assume everyone is an idiot!

I have never joined with a Sponsor Asswhole... I have run across them from time to time and they are EASY to pick out within a few minutes of time talking to them over the phone!

I will never join with a Sponsor Asswhole... They are NOT Leaders! They are NOT very intelligent! They are in LACK MODE! They do not LIKE what they are doing! I don't even think they LIKE THEMSELF!

I say they are NOT INTELLIGENT because an Intelligent Real Sponsor knows the synergy and momentum created with a Happy Group working together! They know the FUN of working and masterminding and co-creating with friends! And more importantly they know the VALUE of the minds of all around them and they take advantage of the wisdom. The sponsor asswhole thinks he is the only one and does it all himself... He lives ALONE!

You see...everyone has wonderful creative ideas to contribute and quite frankly many of the new members that join with me teach me a thing or two! Many of my team members lift me up on days when I am down as I do for them! It works hand-in-hand both ways! You need me and I need You!

So dismissing a new members VALUE and Intelligence and Experience and Wisdom is a DUMB DUMB DUMB mistake that Sponsor Asswhole makes. He totally dismisses, ignores, and treats others as less than! The sponsor asswhole acts as if He is the only leader and He/She knows everything and You know nothing!

So, what does it feel like to work with a REAL, Legitimate Sponsor who is a true leader and developer of people! They are a true friend maker. They are good with all kinds of personalities and are big business builders! They are pleasant and fun to work with and you would never, ever be afraid to mastermind or call or talk to one of them at anytime. They make you feel special and at ease every time you talk to them! They uplift You! The sponsor Asswhole... insults you!

Working with a Real Sponsor feels like a RELIEF! It feels like you CAME HOME! It feels comfortable and easy and fun! There is No Fear -- It is co-creative and inspiring and uplifting to go to work everyday! It is exciting to be productive in that kind of environment and makes you WANT to work! The sponsor asswhole makes you dread working!

The Real Sponsor is a TRUE Professional and a TRUE  leader. They are not afraid of other people! They love co-creating with every ones gifts! The Sponsor Asswhole is  an Amateur who has much to learn. As a matter of fact, the sponsor asswhole needs to do more listening instead of speaking!
I hope this information has given you great insight as to whether you ARE IN LACK MODE and too busy to use the wonderful talents amongst you or if You ARE IN ABUNDANCE MODE as a real business builder and leader!


Make sure you are on the LIVE Thursday "Call to Wealth Presentation Q&A" at 8:30 pm EST with your testimonial and your guests

And Don't MISS this Saturday "Meet the Team-Introduce New Members" Training on Saturday at 12 N EST NEXT UP: Special host for this next team call is with Team Leader, Gregory in Delaware

If you have experience in network marketing and feel you are a leader and would like to contribute to the team with your gifts and talents... Let us know!  

See Ya on the Calls!


To your time and money freedom!

"It is Safe for You to be Powerful." ~Coach Le Anne

Le Anne in Louisiana
Automated Millionaire System
20 min Message: 1-800-570-0517  
Direct Line: 1-225-341-1445

Join Me on Social Media:

Skype: joyousfire444

"Find someone who is successful, duplicate to the letter exactly what they do and you will have the same results." ~Anthony Robbins

It doesn't matter where you are at... It's all about where you are going!

Hello from Coach Le Anne--

I hope you're day is off to a Great Start!

There is nothing like being Optimistic about your day and excited to get going on your dreams!

You know you are headed in the right direction when you feel excited about where you are headed.

We find many people who join our team and our home-business to be eager to wake up early and get moving on building their dream!

All we do is share a LIFE-LINE to Freedom both Personal and Financial Freedom!

We sell "THE DREAM" of working for yourself, from the comfort of your own home and share "Freedom" with others which is very exciting and empowering!

You can dictate your paycheck with this business!

Do you want to Make $500 a day? $2000 a day? $3500 a day? $6500 a day? $12,000 a day or $20,000 a day?

Make your choice and let's get going???

We have a LIVE Call to Wealth Presentation Q&A every Thursday at 8:30 pm EST

Dial IN Number: 1-712-432-3011 ext. 961457#

After You decide the LEVEL you want to Get-Started making money with...Then, JOIN ONLINE HERE

Give me a Call on my direct line at 1-225-341-1445 for further instructions.


To your time and money freedom!

"It is Safe for You to be Powerful." ~Coach Le Anne

Le Anne in Louisiana
Automated Millionaire System
20 min Message: 1-800-570-0517  
Direct Line: 1-225-341-1445

Join Me on Social Media:

Skype: joyousfire444

"Find someone who is successful, duplicate to the letter exactly what they do and you will have the same results." ~Anthony Robbins

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