Monday, May 5, 2014

If a marketer cannot tell you HOW in 30 sec or less--MOVE ON!!! Here is how to decide if you should work with me...

It is really Simple... I won't waste your time... So please do not waste mine! 

Oh believe me you-- I have had endless marketers or motivational speakers or "so-called" leaders waste hours apon hours of my time... Yeah! Really! I mean way too much of my valuable time! -- So hear it is-- STRAIGHT UP VODKA-- Here are the real goods! If you do not like the "REAL INFO" then find someone else to follow and work with... I have known many people who want to believe in unicorns, rainbows and tooth fairies but I have no interest in putting on a 'dog and pony' show for such idiots! 

My vision... 

>I am 110% Focused on Health, Fitness and Money Freedom! If you do not have respect for any one area of your life... You have no respect for all areas of your life! Yeah I know-- It's hard to swallow! 

Therefore, I spend the majority of my day feeding my body nourishing food, oxygenating my body with fun sports and meditation and preparing my thoughts daily to live a long, loving, happy life! And YES I said the majority of my day! The majority of my day is not focused on YOU! So if you cannot handle that... Find someone else to work with! 

>My home business is for unlimited financial freedom and inspirational upliftment! If I am not first and foremost selfish enough to be free and uplifted on my own... How in the heck do I have anything to share with You???

When I turn my attention to my home business... I AM POWERFUL! I am the best in the industry! I look for powerful, clear-minded, determined people who want to live the same as me-- Who want to live clear-minded, clear-focused, healthy, happy, energetic passionate, independent and FREE, Financially FREE LIVES!!!! I look for those who CANNOT work for anyone else but for themself... Is that YOU??? If not, find someone else to work with cuz I do not babysit... I give you the goods and You do it! It is not HARD AT ALL... and if you think it will be hard... find something else to do! 

All we do is advertise looking for the same! If you cannot advertise Your Dream, Your Vision, and Your Business System-- You do not need to have your own home-business -- You must work for someone else who will tell you what to think and do! 

I do not spend hours apon hours listening to other people's motivational interests... I find my own material that interests and inspires me to live a clear-minded, clear-focused life. If you cannot find your own motivation from within then no need to be your own boss from home as you are not an independent person. If you cannot make clear-decisions about what you want and how you want to live, then-- keep running in circles and getting no-where! 

I do not waste your time with a bunch of USELESS Jabber! I hear it all day everyday from the networkers all over the industry and know how to cut it short real quick! I do not want to hear the so-called leaders sob stories of how they were once broke and are now rich or want to be rich... That tells no one anything on what to do and how to get results! 

I tell you straight up where to go and what to do to get RESULTS! I take you straight to the goods and do not waste your time with hours apon hours of useless jabber! If a marketer cannot tell you in 30 seconds or less what to do to get results... Find someone else to work with BOTTOM-LINE!

This Industry of working-from-home being-your-own-boss are for those who DO Take Control of their LIFE! Not those who want others to control their life! This Industry is for those who can MOTIVATE THEMSELF daily and not need others to motivate them! 

If you WANT THE DIRECTIONS STRAIGHT TO THE RESULTS and not the JIBBER JABBER RIFF RAFF 'Dog and Pony Show' -- then it would be my pleasure to work with You! 

If you want BS go somewhere else! If you want Results and a Beautiful Life-- Give me a CALL Today! 

My direct Line is 1-225-341-1445 ( If I do not pick up leave me a message. I usually make my call backs mid- afternoon or early evenings ) 

Automated Millionaire System -- Your only 20 min away from Instant Overnight Success -- Go through the System NOW CALL 1-800-570-0517 24/7 


To your time and money freedom!

Le Anne in Louisiana
Automated Millionaire System 
Direct Line: 1-225-341-1445

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"Find someone who is successful, duplicate to the letter exactly what they do and you will have the same results." ~Anthony Robbins