Sunday, August 3, 2014

Everything I ever wanted is Happening Now!

Today is Deliberate ALLOWING Sunday

My favorite day! 

The day I revel in the truth that "Everything I ever wanted is Happening Now"

If you feel hate, you cannot attract love. If you feel broke, you cannot attract money. If you feel sad, you cannot attract happy experiences. If you feel hurt, you cannot attract understanding! 

Today is my favorite day! It is a day of peace of mind, the day some set aside to connect to God-- The Universe-- Our Higher Selves.

It is the day where I deliberately 'LOVE' feeling how I want to feel with full focus!

Love, Peace, Thankfulness, Excited, Eager, Happy, Blessed, Surrounded, Protected, Supported, Cooperation, Fun, Playful, silly, adoring, appreciation, beautiful, relaxing, soothing, showered, plenty, powerful, creative, lucky, healthy, energetic, surprised, delighted, amazed, jazzed, precious, sweet, unlimited, possible, adventure, choosing, worthy, deserving, momentum, JACKPOT! 

Enjoy basking and reveling in the perfect ideas of your life and have fun appreciating all that is yours by divine right. 

I appreciate you being on my list.

Much Luv,

To your time and money freedom!

Le Anne in Louisiana
Automated Millionaire System 
Direct Line: 1-225-341-1445

I am a Massive Traffic, Automated System kinda girl... Go through My Automated Systems if you want to attract money! 

High Ticket $3500 day Automated Millionaire System 20 min message CALL 1-800-570-0517 24/7

Low Ticket $250 day No Website/No Talking System 2 min message CALL 1-218-297-7977 24/7

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"Find someone who is successful, duplicate to the letter exactly what they do and you will have the same results." ~Anthony Robbins