Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The TRUTH of why I left Shy of a Million and why Everyone's Profits will NOW EXPLODE!

Hello from Coach Le Anne--

THE REAL STORY...  The TRUTH of why I left MMM with an account just shy of a Million in Profits... and why everyone who gets involved NOW can truly Make a Million even in their first year of business!

One thing everyone knows about me is that I am BLUNT and I am HONEST and get RIGHT TO THE POINT! At least the real ones who truly know me or those watching who actually pay attention understand this!

I tell you like it see it, I tell you as I see it... And I have NO PROBLEM calling people out on the carpet who are out of alignment, out of integrity, or just stupid blind to what works in this home business industry vs what does not work... I have always had the ability to see what marketers need and want with their home business!

I have seen it all.. And I know what business models work well and I know what business models mislead a lot of marketers to NO RESULTS and Failure!

Success is simpler than anyone thinks but the confusion and differences in the industry can really mislead anyone who is not truly paying attention!

I am not afraid to tell the truth because I believe I am a good person and have always had good intentions for all marketers in the industry from the first day that I started! So when I see WRONG... I really take it hard!

When you feel that way about yourself and care about the people around you... It is easy to be yourself and not give a RATS ASS what the ignorant ones think!

So after many years in the business... I had finally found a HIGH TICKET, DIRECT SALES Business Model back in January of 2011. It was the next logical step out of gifting as gifting started the high ticket (good numbers), one up pay plan & keep 100% profits formula which was a HUGE HIT!

Gifting is what put all other high ticket programs with commission splits OUT OF BUSINESS! Programs like Liberty League, Emerald Passport, Wealth Masters & Life Path, etc.

But there was still a MAJOR PROBLEM with gifting and that was there was a BIG GRAY AREA on whether or not it was truly legal and accepted by the POWERS THAT BE! It was basically marketing from under a rock. And if anyone knows what good marketing is... it is crucial that you be visible to the public and not in some secret service to sell you idea!

There were always problems with marketing a gifting program and having a productive marketing system. In gifting, You had to refer people by invitation only, talk one on one with each prospects and invite them to a LIVE call only. The rule was by invitation only and by private invitation to a LIVE ONLY conference call. There was NO using a recorded call or system to share the information. It was against the rules! You also could not advertise your business (as it was not considered to be a real business) And you could not use the words MAKE MONEY or PROFITS. Instead you had to use RECEIVE or GIFT! You also had to receive the money as a gift in cash money only wrapped in foil in a magazine fed ex overnight. And on top of that it was against the rules to send cash via private courier!!! So as you can see there were a lot of problems with that setup! Not to mention the IRS! No we won't mention that one! LOL

So I told the Universe... If I could just find these same High Ticket Numbers, with an Automated System that was recorded 24/7 to expand my marketing reach, with a business that offered products for each package level, and the ability to advertise.... That I would be a for sure Millionaire!

That is when this brilliant business model was formed in our industry! Someone now has created a High Ticket,  Direct Sales, Business Model where the marketers can now Keep 100% Commissions using a One Up referral Pay Plan to infinity!

I was eagerly excited to find such a Business and was smart enough to put together such an automated phone system to go along with the Business Model.

That is when I created the Automated Millionaire System -- Not only was it a great way to advertise your business and expand your reach and listeners 24/7 but it also had the ability to weed out the serious from the curious for you! This was the same time when caller id was available! So the system was able to track the callers phone number, tell me how long they had listened to the message and send the prospect information to me via via text and email in real time!

This saved me hours and hours and hours of work time! No need to follow up with uninterested prospects who never even listened in the first place. No need to guess and wonder who was serious and who wasn't cuz I could see very clearly who took action who did not from the caller id.

Technology was expanding and things were coming together as I knew they should be to make things easy for a home business marketer!  

Experience the Automated Millionaire System -- Go through the **NEW & REVISED** 30 minute Automated Millionaire System NOW -- Call 1-618-355-1165 (24/7 recorded message)

So I get started with a NEW business that was then called Automated Money Machine, I create an Automated Phone System and started driving traffic through the system.

Everyone loved it! The sales were pouring in... See some of my weekly video proof! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSdjRVQZkh7faJjzGio8bNsMS2dtdSHtb


The one up system did not track the sales!
I was indeed pissed...

I had a new marketing model with products  with a one up referral system that was supposed to track my one who refer one who refer one up referral sales for me to experience the unlimited referral money forever!!

And the dang tracking system does not work! It's been over 4 years and you know the owner of that company STILL does not have a One Up Referral System in place. I had to work for four years without ONE REFERRAL. I made all the sales myself.

So instead of making a Million a Year with the One Up referral system... I did it all by myself with my own personals and NO ONE UP REFERRALS and was able to accomplish my Million a Year Goal in 4 years instead!

JUST IMAGINE... If the one who refer one who refer had just worked... think how rich I would be right now!

The benefit to the new members was they were instantly released from having to give away a one up referral and were able to collect profits on their first sale and forever but it also KILLED the one up referral system pay plan for everyone!... I had to manage my business this way as I was not interested in dealing with the daily head aches of a tracking system that did not work!

See Picture of my back office proof of income as I was  just shy of a million in Profits!


So NOW the day has finally come... the power of sticking with an idea and waiting until it's manifesting results! That is why Jeffery Combs called me the woman who will not be denied.

So now we finally have a **NEW** and IMPROVED system with a One Up Tracking System! And of course the ability to Make a Million within a Year, the first year, and not in about 4 years!

This is why the One Up referral system is so powerful and how it is crucial to your TIME and MONEY FREEDOM! Because without it... You are in a business all alone by yourself!

And this is why an Automated Phone System is crucial in saving you valuable hours of time in your marketing efforts to get to the Results!

They whole setup combined is crucial to the WHOLE!

> High Ticket Good Numbers ($2000, $3500, $6500, $12,500, $22,000 sales)
> Direct Sales -- the money is sent directly to you straight from the customer. No waiting for some company to send you a check weeks later if ever!
> Keep 100% Profits -- No splitting commissions with anyone!
> Automated System that does the talking for you and tracks the listeners caller id and listening time for You!
> Legitimate, Legal Business with unlimited advertising methods for massive action!

So it is finally here -- The High Ticket, Direct Sales, Keep 100% Profits, One Up referral system, with an Automated Millionaire System to track your sales and weed out the serious from the curious for You!

Go through the **NEW** & IMPROVED NOW 30 min Automated Millionaire System --

CALL NOW 1-618-355-1165 (24/7 recorded message)


Then, click JOIN NOW to get-started

Give me a call on my direct line 1-225-341-1445 for a 48 hr Special Offer!


"It is Safe for You to be Powerful." ~Coach Le Anne

To Your Time and Money Freedom

Coach Le Anne in Louisiana
Home Business Abundance Coach
Direct Line: 1-225-341-1445

Join Me on Social Media:

Skype: joyousfire444

"Find someone who is successful, duplicate to the letter exactly what they do and you will have the same results." ~Anthony Robbins