Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Law of Attraction Millionaire Training starts August 17th at 3 pm EST

Hello from Coach Le Anne--

I am a Law of Attraction Abundance Coach.

I teach that there is always more than enough.

I show people how everything shows up to you on time in perfect ways exactly in the form from your original order.

I teach my team in the Law of Plenty!

There is NO LACK in divine mind other than that which you focus your energy and give your attention to...

And that life can be fun, exciting, and inspiring in all the ways that you imagine it to be.

This is my dream. This is my passion.

To live and learn and apply the universal laws as god as given it to us in a way that makes me thrilled and happy.

And show others that through understanding and by example how to do the same!

Above ALL seek understanding.

So let me tell you all about my business.

And how it brings me $20,000 per week and $20,000 per day consistently, easily and effortlessly over and over year after year.

And how I only put in about 2 hours a day to receive those results...

And how I spend the rest of my time outside of this business...

> reading, writing informational material

> studying and applying the law of attraction

> studying alternative health and healing methods (emotionally and physically)

> building and growing an organic garden

> Playing on a horse ranch

> and spending lots of relaxing hours at the beach

This is what I do with all my team members...

The Law of Attraction Millionaire Training starts August 17th at 3 pm EST

You will line up with an exciting group of like minded entrepreneurs

You will create a 90 day six figure results game plan of action that will attract other excited, motivated people to your team

95% of your success is your mindset and deliberately entertaining right thinking that is aligned with your highest vision.

This mindset is contagious and it is very important you align yourself with others who think like you!

You must chose who you hang out with very carefully.

Do you want to be a part of an excited, motivated team who believe in your success and support you every step of the way???

Go through the 20 min Automated Millionaire System CALL 1-800-570-0517 (24/7)

Also, listen to our LIVE team information call at 1-218-316-7730 (24/7)

You must Give me a call at 1-225-341-1445 for a special-bonus-offer!

Special-bonus-offers end August 6th, 2015.


"It is Safe for You to be Powerful." ~Coach Le Anne

To Your Time and Money Freedom

Le Anne in Louisiana
Direct Line: 1-225-341-1445

Automated Millionaire System
20 min Message: 1-800-570-0517

LIVE Team Information Call
30 min Message: 1-218-316-7730

Join Me on Social Media:

Skype: joyousfire444
Instagram: empoweryou444

"Find someone who is successful, duplicate to the letter exactly what they do and you will have the same results." ~Anthony Robbins


Saturday, July 11, 2015

Coaching with Le Anne mastering Law of Attraction & Money System

Hello from Abundance Coach Le Anne--

Happy Happy Saturday!

I hope you are excited about your day and excited about creating your future!

Today I am going to share with You what you need to know in utilizing Our Money System backed up by RIGHT THINKING and what is truly POSSIBLE here!

A lot of people like making things difficult quite simply because they are in the habit of living a difficult life and they just cannot imagine or believe that anything could be really productive and still be simple and easy!

They expect to work hard, they have to work hard, and quite frankly their reality is working hard for anything significant.

I, on the other hand, do not agree!

Life is Simple, Life is Easy, and Life is Natural and Fun and Productive and Abundant... when you BELIEVE IN THAT!

You ALWAYS get what you THINK and BELIEVE!

I am going to Coach You so that you are living in RIGHT THINKING and applying the law of attraction in a powerful way for beyond normal results.

I am also going to train you to be a network marketing professional on marketing, prospecting and team building using a Simple 20 min Automated Millionaire Money System!

Go through the Automated Millionaire System for the details CALL 1-800-570-0517 (24/7)

Listen to LIVE team information Q&A CALL 1-218-316-7730 (24/7)

Get Started Here---> www.lawofattractionsystem.com


"It is Safe for You to be Powerful." ~Coach Le Anne

To Your Time and Money Freedom

Le Anne in Louisiana
Direct Line: 1-225-341-1445

Automated Millionaire System
20 min Message: 1-800-570-0517

LIVE Team Information Call
30 min Message: 1-218-316-7730

Join Me on Social Media:

Skype: joyousfire444

"Find someone who is successful, duplicate to the letter exactly what they do and you will have the same results." ~Anthony Robbins


Wednesday, July 8, 2015

CORRECTION: LIVE CALL THURSDAY -- So Far $27,500 coming in today alone!

Hello from Law of Attraction Abundance Coach Le Anne--

CORRECTION: I thought today was Thursday -- but no it's Wednesday-- LIVE team call is tomorrow night!

I got a total of $27,500 coming in from orders today alone from 2 hrs of work

These are Excited, Happy, Prosperous People ready to join our Million within 12 months Powerful Team!

Don't forget I do a 6 week Home Biz Law of Attraction Abundance coaching for a select, qualified group of new team members for **FREE**

And if you are not on my personal pay line... I do offer this same 6 week coaching package to all network marketers not on my team for $3000 if you want this special mentoring and coaching to help you get Results!

Go through the 20 min Automated Millionaire System for the details CALL 1-800-570-0517 (24/7)

Also, get on our LIVE team Information Call Thursday to get your questions answered.

DATE: Thursday 7/9/2015

Or Listen to REPLAY of team call NOW CALL 1-218-316-7730 (24/7)

Give me a call on my direct line at 1-225-341-1445 for questions and help getting started.


"It is Safe for You to be Powerful." ~Coach Le Anne

To Your Time and Money Freedom

Le Anne in Louisiana
Direct Line: 1-225-341-1445

Automated Millionaire System
20 min Message: 1-800-570-0517

LIVE Team Information Call
30 min Message: 1-218-316-7730

Join Me on Social Media:

Skype: joyousfire444

"Find someone who is successful, duplicate to the letter exactly what they do and you will have the same results." ~Anthony Robbins


LIVE TONITE -- Never WORRY about Money Again! DETAILS Inside!

Hello from Law of Attraction Coach Le Anne--

I am a Home Business, Network Marketing, Law of Attraction, Abundance Coach.

And I am here to help you establish RIGHT THINKING and INSPIRED ACTION to being Your Own Boss working-from-home!

First, You need a Money System.

Second, You need Right Thinking and Inspired Action.

Third, Play and Allow how you want to live!

Go through the Money System Listen to 20 min recorded message --CALL 1-800-570-0517 (24/7)

Also, Get Your Questions Answered LIVE TONITE on our team information call

DATE: 7/8/2015
TIME: 8:30 pm EST

Or Listen NOW 24/7 Replay Line CALL 1-218-316-7730 (24/7)

Second, Get with me for Personal one on one Law of Attraction Coaching to establish right thinking. And put together a marketing plan of action for inspired action.

Third, Never worry about money again and start enjoying your life!

"It is Safe for You to be Powerful." ~Coach Le Anne

To Your Time and Money Freedom

Le Anne in Louisiana

Direct Line: 1-225-341-1445

Automated Millionaire System
20 min Message: 1-800-570-0517

LIVE Team Information Call
30 min Message: 1-218-316-7730

Join Me on Social Media:

Skype: joyousfire444

"Find someone who is successful, duplicate to the letter exactly what they do and you will have the same results." ~Anthony Robbins

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

THIS IS MIND BLOWING!!! Only 5 sales = $100,000 / Only 50 sales = $1,000,000

Good Morning! Happy Tuesday! This is Abundance Coach Le Anne!

I AM a Home Business -- Network Marketing -- Law of Attraction -- Abundance Coach

I help those studying and mastering the Law of Attraction to make MORE money working-from-home in the network marketing industry!

What I am going to share with you today is...


When you understand this high-ticket, direct sales Business Model mixed with the right, aligned thinking in the world of Law of Attraction then...

You will realize that this is, indeed, Your DIRECT MONEY LINE Shortcut -- See this as absolute FACT and IT IS... the only thing that makes this not true... is your doubt and fear and lack of law of attraction understanding.

When you understand law of attraction... you  then understand that you life can be simple and easy!

"To think what you want to think is to think TRUTH regardless of appearance." ~ Wallace Wattles, The Science of Getting Rich book

With this Business Model -- ONLY 5 sales = $100,000 / ONLY 50 Sales  = $1,000,000

The Question is... Do you want this MONEY all this month or within the next Year???

You have been given FREE WILL to choose.

What do you want and when do you want it???

Make $5000, $10,000, $20,000 Weekly starting immediately using a Simple 20 min System --

Go through the Automated Millionaire System NOW for the details- CALL 1-800-570-0517 (24/7)

Listen to "LIVE" 30 min Information Call -- 1-218-316-7730 (24/7) (held live every Thursday at 8:30 pm est)

Get Started Online Here ---> www.lawofattractionsystem.com

95% of all Success is because of Mental Thinking & Beliefs -- Only 5% is from right, inspired action

I am a Law of Attraction Abundance Coach in the Home-Business, Network Marketing Industry!

Select, Qualified team members can receive my Network Marketing PERSONAL Abundance Coaching for **FREE** 

Immediately after listening to the two above Information Calls... then give me a call on my direct line at 1-225-341-1445 to see if you qualify to join my personal pay line and receive **FREE** 6 week personal training for six or seven figure results!

***All others OUTSIDE my personal, direct pay line in the Millionaire Marketing System -  Your cost is $3000 for a 6 week network marketing, abundance coaching package!


"It is Safe for You to be Powerful." ~Coach Le Anne

To Your Time and Money Freedom

Le Anne in Louisiana
Direct Line: 1-225-341-1445

Automated Millionaire System
20 min Message: 1-800-570-0517

LIVE Team Information Call
30 min Message: 1-218-316-7730

Join Me on Social Media:

Skype: joyousfire444

"Find someone who is successful, duplicate to the letter exactly what they do and you will have the same results." ~Anthony Robbins

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Desire, Believe, then Action! AUDIO BOOKS ATTACHED

Hello from Coach Le Anne--

Today is Freedom day! Time to be FREE!

My youngest son is 21 years old. He is just like me bless his heart!

He loves Napoleon Hill with Think and Grow Rich and The Secret on Law of Attraction.

Listen Below:

Think and Grow Rich Audio Book click here
The Secret Audio Book click here

He is a young buck, eager for the world.

We were talking this morning via text about these teachings and subject and he wrote:

Desire, Believe, then Action!

I said well what if someone does not believe? Then, you shouldn't take action!

He said NO... always take action!

So we went back and forth about right, aligned, inspired action which is FUN AND PRODUCTIVE vs wrong, negative, non-believer action which is usually NOT FUN AND NOT AS PRODUCTIVE!

He said, I like The Secret but they don't talk enough about action.

And I disagreed.

I said... You have to listen more closely to what The Secret movie is really saying... They did not not say to not take action... They said the BEST action is inspired action in belief. And that taking action when you do not believe is still beneficial but just not the best, more powerful and productive action but can still be taken anyway.

You see... You can have a desire... and believe and be happy and excited and have great productive results...

And you can have a desire... and not believe and be unhappy, unexcited and struggle your way through the action but the results are not aS powerful but can still be somewhat productive.

The way I have always known to gain confidence... Is to still take action even if you are still struggling with belief... because even that weak action... can still give you a glimpse of hope and help you eventually gain belief.

One of the biggest reasons for Depression and Procrastination is because people have a desire and do not believe... so they feel depressed and do not take action!

It is the biggest reason for depression, procrastination, and failure!

So how does one go about Believing???

You have to change your mind on the subject.

You have to do the mental work first.

You have to make yourself believe that ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!

Whether that be an understanding of GOD or THE UNIVERSE or the LAW OF ATTRACTION or by witnessing others doing it and then believing "if they can do it so can I"

You have to get yourself to BELIEVE and if you are a Network Marketing marketer or any other business that requires you convincing others... It is then your job to First BELIEVE and then helping others to believe as well.

The most successful marketers... BELIEVE and Help Others to Believe which creates sales and followers!

So what can you do today to make yourself BELIEVE???

Start by listening to "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill and then listen to "the Secret" by Rhonda Byrne

You will also notice that The Millionaire Marketing System Products are PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT.

We offer various library packages in digital format... in ebook, audio, and video that you can sell to others and offer them the opportunity to start believing!

You have the RESELL rights to all of these digital products to Make-Money-From-Home!

Next, as you are listening and learning and growing and healing... Begin to forgive all those who you feel have hurt you in this life!

Forgive and heal the pain and no longer play the victim role that you played by blaming others for your pain!

They say those that cause you the greatest pain are those who give you the biggest gifts!

They teach you how to be happy and free no matter what anyone does to You!

And once you do that... You free yourself from the bondage of others... And you can no longer blame anyone, no longer be victim to anyone, and no longer carry that wrong belief of pain... then and only then are you totally free!

You can now take responsibility for your thoughts, feelings and actions and start believing in yourself again!

It is no one elses fault that you don't believe that you can have anything. And no one person outside of you can cause you to not believe that anything is possible! Only you can believe that wrong belief!

So what is it you want?

First and foremost, Everyone is looking for that one thing -- the bottom line -- Happiness and Peace of Mind

You believe you want anything because you believe it will allow you to feel happy and peaceful... that is the only reason you want anything!

You want fulfilling work... because it is fun and makes you happy and peaceful

You want more money... because it makes you happy and feel safe and secure

You want love... because love is the key to happiness and peace

You want friends... because they make you laugh and make you happy and peaceful

You want a good feeling body... because it makes you feel good and happy and peaceful

You want a fit body... because it makes you proud and happy and peaceful

You want all these things because they make you love yourself and others and be happy and peaceful.

So what if I told you... that You can have all these things... fulfilling work, more money, love, friends, good feeling body and a fit body!

What if our products, our team community and our business formula could help you have the financial freedom and balance that you are looking for???

What if a simple system that you share with others that offers personal development product packages to help you heal and grow and believe again along with a community of like minded people to help you have more money -- Would that make a difference in your life?

Just saying what if... Can you believe that???

Listen to our team 30 min recorded presentation and tell me if you believe that this will be of value to you in your life!

And what if you could share this same information system and have $5000, $10,000, and $20,000 weekly starting immediately!

CALL NOW AND LISTEN 1-218-316-7730 (24/7)

Then, give me a call 1-225-341-1445 and let's talk about getting all that you desire.

Once you join my team... I am going to personal mentor you on How to get FREE traffic online and also use voice broadcasting, text broadcasting, and email broadcasting for massive action results!

You can and will make a Six of Seven Figure Income from home within the next 12 months.

Desire, Believe then Action


"It is Safe for You to be Powerful." ~Coach Le Anne

To Your Time and Money Freedom

Le Anne in Louisiana
Direct Line: 1-225-341-1445

Automated Millionaire System
20 min Message: 1-800-570-0517

Elite Marketing Alliance
30 min Message: 1-218-316-7730

Join Me on Social Media:

Skype: joyousfire444

"Find someone who is successful, duplicate to the letter exactly what they do and you will have the same results." ~Anthony Robbins