Monday, December 28, 2015


Hello from Coach Le Anne--

I was on the phone with my bestie in the biz and she said to me "WOW what you do is Miraculous!!!--- what you do just cannot be taught."

Yes, my spiritual beliefs are a bit whoo whoo... they are airy fairy. My neighbor actually calls me a witch because I ASK and POOF it appears within 24 hours!

The TRUTH is and my bestie knows how to do this as well because I taught her to do the same stuff... We do it together all the time and just laugh and enjoy the ABUNDANCE!

The TRUTH is that Instant Manifestation can be taught but many do not listen. Are you ready to listen???

Most believe in the LIES. Lies such as... You have to WORK HARD for money! Or you have to sacrifice something to achieve what you want in life. Or Nothing good comes without a Price!

Well nothing could be further from the truth. The truth is... I DO NOT WORK HARD for money! I DO NOT SACRIFICE! I DO NOT HAVE TO PAY SOME HEFTY GRUESOME PRICE for my freedom!

My studies and mastery of lining up with the Law of Attraction have definitely paid off. I continue to line up with those studies daily! I believe the study and application of the Law of Attraction is the most important study in the world. It is the basis of everything that exists! Why???

FREEDOM.... It is all about FREEDOM

FREEDOM to Clarify exactly what you want...And the FREEDOM to receive it.

So what do I do each and every week to attract like-minded, happy, spiritual partners and LOTS OF MONEY????

Well, first of all... I get into the frequency of GRATITUDE and revel in how I love my life. I appreciate the people in my life and enjoy my curiousity, inspiration and beauty in my surroundings.

I advertise my Law of Attraction Money Freedom Business daily to others. Those seeking abundance, clarity, money and freedom as well.

I invite those who are curious to LISTEN to a 30 min Information Call that will show them how they can partner with me and attract the right, like-minded business partners and how to be a Law of Attraction Millionaire using My Automated Money System.

They LISTEN and then Call Me to say "I am ready to get started- what do I need to do next?"

Experience this process for yourself now! Take just 30 min Right NOW--Go through the My 30 min Automated Millionaire System for the details CALL 1-618-355-1165 (24/7)

Partner with Me and be a Law of Attraction Millionaire in 2016 simply advertising a Money-Freedom-System and sharing your passion with others!

I do most of my FREE ADVERTISING to like-minded people on Social Media so don't forget to FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK, TWITTER, LINKEDIN, & INSTAGRAM for daily inspiration and updates and to witness first hand how I advertise! Do it Now! See Below!
You will be personally mentored by me to learn how to take an hour a day to advertise for free driving traffic to your own Money System Phone Number-- And how to line up with universal forces to have like-minded, quality people calling You saying "I am ready to get started--what do I need to do next?"
Take 30 and go through the Automated Millionaire System Now CALL 1-618-355-1165 (24/7)

Then, call me 1-225-341-1445 and say "I am ready to get-started-- what do I need to do next?"

The next 5 members to call me and join my team... will receive a large number of network marketer leads to jump start their business success!

"It is Safe for You to be Powerful." ~Coach Le Anne

To Your Time and Money Freedom

Coach Le Anne in Louisiana
Home Business Abundance Coach
Direct Line: 1-225-341-1445

Join Me on Social Media:

Skype: joyousfire444

"Find someone who is successful, duplicate to the letter exactly what they do and you will have the same results." ~Anthony Robbins