Sunday, November 16, 2014

If things aren't working out for You... It means you have Lack of Clarity!

You must get clear on what you want so consistently that it feels natural to think that way and then watch the Universe support your belief, your perception and your vision.

Whenever things aren't quite working well in my life... I discovered that the pain and confusion and dissatisfaction always stemmed from one thing...

Lack of Clarity from two opposing inconsistent thoughts that are at war with each other!

If something that I thought I wanted did not work out... I realized it was because I had contradicted thoughts about that topic that opposed each other.

This means I was carrying positive thoughts and negative thoughts about that situation... and the one that I believed the most.... played out!

For example: "I want to work here" or "I don't like working here"

So PICK ONE-- Do you want to work here or you don't want to work here

You may have some things that you like that make you want to work here that you are giving your attention to and you may have some other things that you do not like that you are also giving your attention to... and you need to iron it out one way or the other or you will have chaos!

So if things are NOT working out for you!

Maybe it is a relationship, or a business or health and fitness!

Sit down and write out your BELIEFS about that topic... The same scripts you are saying out day after day!

I promise you will find contradicted thoughts that need to be resolved so that you can deliberately pave the way from this point forward to have it work out the way you REALLY WANT it to work out.

You need to clear the confusion and deliberately intend what you DO want... and get rid of the battle or the war in your mind that opposes one another... and find consistency with one thought so clearly that it has to work out that way!

I made up my mind and therefore it has to be!

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Happy Creating!

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Le Anne in Louisiana
Automated Millionaire System 
Direct Line: 1-225-341-1445

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"Find someone who is successful, duplicate to the letter exactly what they do and you will have the same results." ~Anthony Robbins