Sunday, November 9, 2014

This may PISS YOU OFF and It should! Go look in the mirror and Repeat after me!

Mirror Mirror on the Wall... Whose the Fairest One of ALL????

Infinite Intelligence Answers: Why my dear...Le Anne in Louisiana is BY FAR more richer and happier than You!


HA HA  HA...

I make more money than You working less hours than You!

I'm in control of receiving my checks while you depend on a shaky company!

I work with less people than You for more free time!

I have serious people contact me while you chase people!

I keep 100% for my efforts while you have to split your money keeping a small percentage!

I don't need hundreds of people for a decent pay and you do therefore my advertising costs almost nothing while you spend a lot of money!

My system captures phone numbers while your system captures fake phone numbers!

You run from weak program to program or do multiple programs I am steady strong with one long term business!

Shall I go on you dumbass!

Yes you know if I'm talking to you!

If you're not working with me in this program it's because You can't afford it!

And if you cannot find the money to work in the right business then you are pathetic... My kids could scrap together more money than You!

A five your old kid has more confidence than You!

You are going to LIVE your Life broke if you don't get SMART one of these day!

If the above does not apply to You... Then Go through $3500 day Automated Millionaire System 24/7 Info 1-800-570-0517 24/7 Then Contact me on my direct line and Say "I'M IN"

Otherwise, go enjoy your LACK MENTALITY day!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... Some may say she sounds angry.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... Playing around on my favorite day... Sunday....It is sooo much fun being a Coach.


To your time and money freedom!

Le Anne in Louisiana
Automated Millionaire System 
Direct Line: 1-225-341-1445

Join Me on Social Media:

"Find someone who is successful, duplicate to the letter exactly what they do and you will have the same results." ~Anthony Robbins

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