Sunday, November 22, 2015

Coach Le Anne Mentoring-- Signs of NO POWER & How to take it back!

Hello from Abundance Coach Le Anne--

There are many, many signs of the weak and powerless, however, I am going to only pick 3 today as an example of no control over your life vs how to be in control.

Learning & Understanding Universal Law was a Valuable LESSON for me. I have had days and weeks and months of no power and I have experienced days and weeks and months of happiness, deliberate control and ultimate freedom.

Of course, it is heaven to live in freedom and just down right miserable to live in slavery to your own thoughts.

Just 3 of the MANY Signs You have NO POWER!

1) Can't make a decision or take action in any one direction. Change your mind often or change your business or job often. Dissatisfied wherever you go! Don't realize how to maneuver anything you are working on anyway you want!

2) May have come to a clear, defined decision and know what you WANT but can't figure out how to get it. Belief you have to work hard, sacrifice, or give up things you love in exchange for any measurable desired results. Do not yet understand Universal Law and how things come to or don't come to You.

3) Unhappy always because you think you have no control over your thoughts, beliefs and emotions or environment. Behaving as a reactor NOT a deliberate creator and just blow with the wind without direction. Think someone or something else controls your life and do not yet realize that you are in control of your life.

Here are just 3 things to Understand to take back control ASAP.

1) Ignore the negative things that have been attracted by finding just one thing to focus on that brings you joy. And cut off everything else that is bothersome completely. It could be that you take a walk, take a bubble bath, go on a weekend vacation away from it all, watch a good movie, play with your pet, notice the beautiful weather, or cook a grand dinner for someone you love. You get the idea! This will cause temporary distraction until you get into alignment with universal support. Take a break away from anything bothersome for hours, days, weeks or months as long as you can get away with it. Only come back to your desired task again when you are happy! If you cannot find ANYTHING to be relaxed and happy about... then just be happy for no reason at all. You do not need a reason to be happy ever! Ignore anything that takes you away from your happiness!

2) Stop and think about what you REALLY want. Not what you think is possible right now but what you really want even if you do not believe it yet. You have to imagine, dream, think big, day dream for a while and get real about what you really want. It's time to stop LYING to yourself about this! The reason you do not take the time to do this is because you do not believe it is possible yet and it can be painful to think about when you do not believe. But you have to do this! This is very important! You will come to believe that it is possible-- you just don't realize it yet. Brainstorm your ideas of the perfect scenario, the perfect lifestyle, the perfect work, the perfect family arrangement, the perfect home, the perfect environment, the perfect everything.

3) Once you have clarified what it is your really want and not what others may have told you to want and have stopped limiting your ideas based on what you believe is possible-- You have then completed step 1- clarification then move to Step 2- Do only things that make you happy and finally follow Step 3- Only follow inspired action and no other action.

These are the Universal Laws of Manifesting what you want:

Step 1: clarify what you want & write it down -- review it several times a day
Step 2: do only things that make you happy and ignore anything that does not make you happy
Step 3: follow inspired action and no other action-- You will feel the nudge to go someone where or do something! It is will feel good when you follow it! You will know when to take action by the way it feels.

THIS IS HOW YOU TAKE BACK YOUR POWER And allow the Power of the Universe to guide you, support you and bring to you everything you have been asking for!

What have I been asking for??? I attract POWERFUL, POSITIVE, LAW OF ATTRACTION, Entrepreneurial PARTNERS to aligne with each and every day! 

Want to Make a Million within the next 12 months???

Want to work when you want, wherever you want, with whom you want???

Want to line up with a MENTOR to help you stay the course and complete the MISSION???

Are you ready for TIME & MONEY Freedom???

Then, follow someone who actually LIVES IT! every single day!

Follow someone who has the time freedom they want, has the money flow that they want and is HAPPY!


Here is how to Make $5,000, $10,000, or $20,000 Weekly starting immediately!

Go through the Automated Millionaire System CALL 1-618-355-1165 (24/7)

Watch Video at then CLICK JOIN NOW!

Questions? Need help getting-started? Want to have a 15 min consultation with me for a Plan of Action???

Give me a call on my direct line ANYTIME at 1-225-341-1445.

"It is Safe for You to be Powerful." ~Coach Le Anne

To Your Time and Money Freedom

Coach Le Anne in Louisiana
Home Business Abundance Coach
Direct Line: 1-225-341-1445

Join Me on Social Media:

Skype: joyousfire444

"Find someone who is successful, duplicate to the letter exactly what they do and you will have the same results." ~Anthony Robbins

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