Friday, March 4, 2016

Help Us Name our New Team-- Join us before this Saturday!

Hello from Abundance Coach Le Anne--  "The Law of Attraction, High Ticket Direct Sales, Automated System, Time Freedom Expert."

So a few like-minded team members decided to branch away from our previous team to share with others a more defined Vision of Success for our members and we hope you will join us!

Let me share with you first OUR VISION and see if it matches what you have been searching for in a Team and a Home-Based-Business to aid in your Ultimate Success!

First and foremost-- our team leads with understanding the Law of Attraction. It is crucial that each member takes responsibility for their own business and their own results and understands how universal law works in regards to how you get what you get. So we practice and apply the laws of the universe.

Secondly, we are big fans of AUTOMATION. We like systems that do the explaining for us so we do not have to. We want traffic through our information system which weeds out the serious from the curious for us so we only talk to qualified, informed people who are interested in what we have to offer.

Third, we believe in working with a select few of like minded networkers that work together with great synergy, momentum and support. A bonded group of success-minded people who are committed and consistent and sold on our BRAND.

Confusion and Complex and Undecided and Out of Alignment or not words in our vocabulary. Words in our vocabulary are: Focus, Enthusiasm, Vision, Confident, Creative and Deliberate.

I would like to invite YOU to come work SYNERGISTICALLY with a TIGHT-KNIT team that works together in this way!

The NAME we have come up with so far that we are sold on is: SYNERGY-- And we would like to complete it... Let me know your suggestions in naming our NEW team!

Dictionary Definition for SYNERGY: the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, and other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum or their separate effects.

Thesaurus Definition for SYNERGY: collaboration, cooperation, alliance, coaction, combined effort, harmony, symbiosis, synergism, team effort, teaming, teamwork, union, unity, working together.

Our Team Business collects BIG CHECKS ranging from $2,000 to $22,000 per check! Would you like to start using an Automated System to start collecting BIG CHECKS???

Go through the Automated Millionaire System Now CALL 1-618-355-1165 (24/7)

SPECIAL-OFFER only available through now and Saturday at 12 N EST -- Team Training starts this Saturday at 12 N EST!!!

CALL ME NOW AT 1-225-341-1445


"It is Safe for You to be Powerful." ~Coach Le Anne

To Your Time and Money Freedom

Coach Le Anne in Louisiana
Home Business Abundance Coach
Direct Line: 1-225-341-1445

Join Me on Social Media:

Skype: joyousfire444

"Find someone who is successful, duplicate to the letter exactly what they do and you will have the same results." ~Anthony Robbins

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